Acrônimos e abreviações usados - Drones
Enviado: quinta mai 05, 2022 12:19 pm
AC = Aircraft
ADIZ = Air Defense Identification Zone (place where you propably need filing flight plan)
AGL = Above Ground Level
AMA = Academy of Model Aeronautics
AMSL or MSL = Above Mean Sea Level
ARTF = Almost Ready to Fly
ASL = Above Sea Level
ATC = Air Traffic Control
ATTI = Attitude
AUW = All Up Weight
BeiDou = Chinese navigation satellite system.
BIL = Brother In-Law
BLM = Bureau of Land Management (US)
BNF = Bind n Fly (transmitter)
BTU = British Thermal Unit
BLOS = Beyond Line of Sight
BVLOS = Beyond Visual Line of Sight
Cal= Calibration
CA = Collision Avoidance
CAA = Civil Aviation Authority (UK Regulator)
CAAS = Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (Singapore Regulator)
CBO - Community-Based Organizations (AMA, etc..)
CL = Course Lock
CSC = Combination Stick Command
CW = Clock Wise
CCW = Counter Clock Wise
DJI = Da-Jiang Innovation
ESC = Electronic Speed Controller
EASA = European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EU Regulator)
FAA = Federal Aviation Administration (US Regulator)
FC = Flight Controller
FPV = First Person View
FRZ - Flight Restricted Zone
FS = Failsafe
FWIW = For What It’s Worth
Galileo = European satellite navigation system
GB = Gigabyte (unit of memory)
GHz = Giga-hertz
GLONASS = Global Navigation Satellite System (Russian Satellite Navigation System)
GNSS = Global Navigation Satellite System (GPS&Co)
GPS = Global Positioning System
HL = Home Lock
ICAO = International Civil Aviation Organization
IR = Internal Resistance
IR = Infrared
IOC = Intelligent Orientation Control
IMU = Inertial Measurement Unit
LHCP = Left Hand Circular Polorized
LiPo = Lithium-Polymer (battery)
LOS = Line of Sight
M2E = Mavic 2 Enterprise (Zoom)
M2ED = Mavic 2 Enterprise Dual (IR)
M2P = Mavic 2 Pro
M2Z = Mavic 2 Zoom
MA = Mavic Air
MA2 = Mavic Air 2
MC = Main Controller
METAR = Meteorological Aerodrome Reports (weather)
MM = Mavic Mini
MM2 = Mavic Mini 2
MOA = Military Operations Area
MP = Mavic Pro
MPP = Mavic Pro Platinum
MHz = Mega-hertz
MSL = Mean Sea Level
NFZ = No Fly Zone
Nicad = Nickel Cadmium
NiMH = Nickel Metal Hydride (not hybrid)
Nits = Unit of Brightness Equivalent to One Candle Light (Smart Controller brightness is 1000 Nits)
NOTAM = Notice to Airmen
NPS = National Park Service (US)
OA = Obstacle Avoidance
OMM = Old Man Mavic (well-respected moderator)
OP = Original Poster
POI = Point of Interest
RC = Remote Control
RHCP = Right Hand Circular Polorized
RPAS = Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems
RPIC = Remote Pilot In Charge
RTF = Ready to fly
RTG = Relative To Ground
RTH = Return To Home
RTM = Read The Manual
Rx = Receiver
SAR = Search and Rescue
SC = Smart Controller
SFRA = Special Flight Rules Area
SM = Statute Miles
SOC = State Of Charge
SUA = Small Unmanned Aircraft (What the CAA call what we fly)
SUSA = Small Unmanned Surveillance Aircaft (What the CAA call what we fly)
sUAS = Small Unmanned Aircraft System (what the FAA calls what we fly)
TB = Terabyte (unit of memory)
TCCA = Transport Canada Civil Aviation (Canadian regulator)
TFR = Temporary Flight Restriction
Tx = Transmitter
UAS = Unmanned Aircraft (/Aerial) System (includes UAV's remote control system)
UAV = Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
VLOS = Visual Line of Sight
VO = Visual Observer
VRS = Vortex Ring State
VTx = Video Transmitter
VRx = Video Receiver
VPS = Visual Positioning System
WOT = Wide Open Throttle
ADIZ = Air Defense Identification Zone (place where you propably need filing flight plan)
AGL = Above Ground Level
AMA = Academy of Model Aeronautics
AMSL or MSL = Above Mean Sea Level
ARTF = Almost Ready to Fly
ASL = Above Sea Level
ATC = Air Traffic Control
ATTI = Attitude
AUW = All Up Weight
BeiDou = Chinese navigation satellite system.
BIL = Brother In-Law
BLM = Bureau of Land Management (US)
BNF = Bind n Fly (transmitter)
BTU = British Thermal Unit
BLOS = Beyond Line of Sight
BVLOS = Beyond Visual Line of Sight
Cal= Calibration
CA = Collision Avoidance
CAA = Civil Aviation Authority (UK Regulator)
CAAS = Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (Singapore Regulator)
CBO - Community-Based Organizations (AMA, etc..)
CL = Course Lock
CSC = Combination Stick Command
CW = Clock Wise
CCW = Counter Clock Wise
DJI = Da-Jiang Innovation
ESC = Electronic Speed Controller
EASA = European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EU Regulator)
FAA = Federal Aviation Administration (US Regulator)
FC = Flight Controller
FPV = First Person View
FRZ - Flight Restricted Zone
FS = Failsafe
FWIW = For What It’s Worth
Galileo = European satellite navigation system
GB = Gigabyte (unit of memory)
GHz = Giga-hertz
GLONASS = Global Navigation Satellite System (Russian Satellite Navigation System)
GNSS = Global Navigation Satellite System (GPS&Co)
GPS = Global Positioning System
HL = Home Lock
ICAO = International Civil Aviation Organization
IR = Internal Resistance
IR = Infrared
IOC = Intelligent Orientation Control
IMU = Inertial Measurement Unit
LHCP = Left Hand Circular Polorized
LiPo = Lithium-Polymer (battery)
LOS = Line of Sight
M2E = Mavic 2 Enterprise (Zoom)
M2ED = Mavic 2 Enterprise Dual (IR)
M2P = Mavic 2 Pro
M2Z = Mavic 2 Zoom
MA = Mavic Air
MA2 = Mavic Air 2
MC = Main Controller
METAR = Meteorological Aerodrome Reports (weather)
MM = Mavic Mini
MM2 = Mavic Mini 2
MOA = Military Operations Area
MP = Mavic Pro
MPP = Mavic Pro Platinum
MHz = Mega-hertz
MSL = Mean Sea Level
NFZ = No Fly Zone
Nicad = Nickel Cadmium
NiMH = Nickel Metal Hydride (not hybrid)
Nits = Unit of Brightness Equivalent to One Candle Light (Smart Controller brightness is 1000 Nits)
NOTAM = Notice to Airmen
NPS = National Park Service (US)
OA = Obstacle Avoidance
OMM = Old Man Mavic (well-respected moderator)
OP = Original Poster
POI = Point of Interest
RC = Remote Control
RHCP = Right Hand Circular Polorized
RPAS = Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems
RPIC = Remote Pilot In Charge
RTF = Ready to fly
RTG = Relative To Ground
RTH = Return To Home
RTM = Read The Manual
Rx = Receiver
SAR = Search and Rescue
SC = Smart Controller
SFRA = Special Flight Rules Area
SM = Statute Miles
SOC = State Of Charge
SUA = Small Unmanned Aircraft (What the CAA call what we fly)
SUSA = Small Unmanned Surveillance Aircaft (What the CAA call what we fly)
sUAS = Small Unmanned Aircraft System (what the FAA calls what we fly)
TB = Terabyte (unit of memory)
TCCA = Transport Canada Civil Aviation (Canadian regulator)
TFR = Temporary Flight Restriction
Tx = Transmitter
UAS = Unmanned Aircraft (/Aerial) System (includes UAV's remote control system)
UAV = Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
VLOS = Visual Line of Sight
VO = Visual Observer
VRS = Vortex Ring State
VTx = Video Transmitter
VRx = Video Receiver
VPS = Visual Positioning System
WOT = Wide Open Throttle